Healy Natural Cycle June 2024 Trigger Date

Reconnect with Your Natural Energetic Cycle: Next Trigger Date - June 20th, 2024

June can be one of the busiest times of the year, with summer holidays starting, work piling up, and social calendars filling to the brim. It's easy to lose track of your inner balance. Luckily, the perfect opportunity to revamp and reset for the summer is just around the corner.

Mark your calendar: The next Natural Cycle trigger date is June 20th, 2024.

Why June 20th is Important?

Staying in tune with the Natural Cycles and flows of the sun, moon, and earth can help you maintain crucial equilibrium in your life. The Natural Cycle program, part of the HealAdvisor App, is designed to help you reconnect with your innate sense of being in tune with nature.

How the Natural Cycle Program Works

The Natural Cycle is a set of unique frequency programs designed to help you realign with the natural world. Here’s how you can prepare for the next trigger date on June 20th:

  1. Identify Your Geographical Position: Understand how the natural force of gravity varies across different locations on the planet.

  2. Select Your Trigger Date: Choose from eight ideal trigger dates, including the Solstices and Equinoxes, which represent major seasonal changes, and four intermediate dates representing the manifestation of Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter.

  3. Determine the Day and Time: Based on your location, identify the exact date and time of your trigger phenomenon.

  4. Determine the Moon Phase: Identify the moon phase on the day of your selected trigger phenomenon.

  5. Determine the Right Frequency Programs: Use the oxidation-reduction diagram following the meridians to calculate the right frequencies based on which organ is active at what time of day according to the organ clock.

The HealAdvisor Natural Cycle Module provides 12 Individualized Microcurrent Frequency (IMF*) programs, known as Activation Programs, aligned with the organ clock, plus two additional IMF programs for overall stabilization.

Preserve the Natural Rhythm

Everything in life is influenced by the phases of the sun, moon, and earth. The frequencies of these celestial bodies impact our bodies and emotions. In today's fast-paced lifestyle, where everything needs to be quicker and more perfect, our natural energy flow can be disrupted, leading to physical and emotional imbalances. This imbalance can cause feelings of unhappiness and discontent, impacting relationships and causing families to drift apart.

By participating in the Natural Cycle program, you can help preserve your natural rhythm and restore your inner balance. June 20th, 2024 is your next opportunity to reconnect with the natural world and your inner self. Embrace the opportunity to reboot and reset for a harmonious and balanced summer.

Don't miss out on June 20th, 2024. Mark your calendar and get ready to realign with the Natural Cycle!

If you don’t yet have the Healy Natural Cycle please visit our Healy Shop here


Pre-Order of Elements by Healy World® Starts June 24th


List of Healy Digital Nutrition Frequencies