Healy Resonance
Here at Wearable Frequency Devices, we have a limited number of Healy Resonance Editions in our personal stock, which are now for sale at the discounted price of £546 / US$677
Shipping from within UK. Any country outside of UK may be subject to customs fees.
A Healy account is needed to operate the device. If you already have a Healy account, we will transfer the device to your account. If you do not have an account already, we can set one up for you.
Warranty: 20 months
Here at Wearable Frequency Devices, we have a limited number of Healy Resonance Editions in our personal stock, which are now for sale at the discounted price of £546 / US$677
Shipping from within UK. Any country outside of UK may be subject to customs fees.
A Healy account is needed to operate the device. If you already have a Healy account, we will transfer the device to your account. If you do not have an account already, we can set one up for you.
Warranty: 20 months
Here at Wearable Frequency Devices, we have a limited number of Healy Resonance Editions in our personal stock, which are now for sale at the discounted price of £546 / US$677
Shipping from within UK. Any country outside of UK may be subject to customs fees.
A Healy account is needed to operate the device. If you already have a Healy account, we will transfer the device to your account. If you do not have an account already, we can set one up for you.
Warranty: 20 months